Bluetooth Low Energy

Generate Version 4 UUID

Learn more about UUID

What is UUID?

A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID)

UUID is 128-bit long, used to label information in a computer system. There are five different UUID versions which are version 1 , version 2, version 3, version 4 and version 5.

Used in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

BLE devices followed a specified hierarchy set by Bluetooth SIG called Generic Attributes Profile (GATT). It is used to defined how connecting BLE devices able to send or receive data.

Widely Used in Internet-of-Things (IoT)

Ever wonder how IoT devices are unique from the billions of connecting devices? UUID is also used to securely allowed authorized parties to collect or retrieve data from the IoT devices.

All Version of UUID

What's the Difference Between All Versions?

Version 1 UUID

It uses date and time for labelling information and is considered as a time-based UUID. It is composed of five sections which are:

  • time_low: pertains to the low value of a datetime information
  • time_mid: pertains to the mid value of a datetime information
  • time_high_and_version: pertains to the high value of a datetime information
  • clock_seq_hi_and_reserved: pertains to the internal clock sequence of a computer system
  • MAC Address: the MAC address of a device

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